Key Milestones to Track Progress

Tracking Success: Key Milestones and Deliverables in the FedRAMP Compliance Process

Achieving and maintaining compliance with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a complex process that involves multiple phases and numerous deliverables.

To ensure that the project stays on track and meets all regulatory requirements, it’s essential to identify and monitor key milestones throughout the process.

This article highlights the important milestones in the FedRAMP compliance process and provides guidance on tracking deliverables effectively.

Important Milestones in the FedRAMP Process

FedRAMP Readiness Assessment:

  • Milestone Description: The readiness assessment is an initial evaluation to determine if a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) is prepared to begin the FedRAMP authorization process. This milestone includes the completion of the FedRAMP Readiness Assessment Report (RAR), which identifies gaps and areas that require improvement before moving forward.
  • Deliverables: Readiness Assessment Report (RAR).
  • Timeline: Typically takes 1-3 months to complete, depending on the maturity of the CSP's security posture.

System Security Plan (SSP) Development:

  • Milestone Description: The SSP is a comprehensive document that outlines the security controls implemented by the CSP. Completing the SSP is a critical milestone as it forms the basis for the security assessment conducted by a Third-Party Assessment Organization (3PAO).
  • Deliverables: System Security Plan (SSP).
  • Timeline: The development of the SSP can take 2-4 months, depending on the complexity of the cloud service.

Engagement of a 3PAO:

  • Milestone Description: Engaging a 3PAO to conduct the security assessment is a key milestone. The 3PAO will review the SSP, perform testing, and produce the Security Assessment Report (SAR). Selecting a qualified 3PAO and scheduling the assessment are crucial steps in the process.
  • Deliverables: Contract or engagement letter with the 3PAO.
  • Timeline: This milestone typically aligns with the completion of the SSP and can take a few weeks to finalize.

Security Assessment:

  • Milestone Description: The security assessment conducted by the 3PAO is a comprehensive evaluation of the CSP’s security controls. This assessment identifies any vulnerabilities or compliance gaps and is documented in the SAR.
  • Deliverables: Security Assessment Report (SAR).
  • Timeline: The security assessment usually takes 1-2 months, depending on the scope of the cloud service and the findings.

Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Development:

  • Milestone Description: The POA&M is developed based on the findings of the security assessment. It outlines the actions required to address any identified vulnerabilities and tracks the progress of remediation efforts.
  • Deliverables: Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M).
  • Timeline: The development of the POA&M can be done concurrently with the security assessment, typically taking 1-2 weeks.

Authorization Package Submission:

  • Milestone Description: The submission of the authorization package, which includes the SSP, SAR, POA&M, and other supporting documentation, is a significant milestone. This package is reviewed by the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) or the authorizing federal agency.
  • Deliverables: Complete authorization package.
  • Timeline: The package submission typically occurs after the security assessment and remediation, which can take 1-2 months to prepare and finalize.

Authority to Operate (ATO):

  • Milestone Description: Receiving the Authority to Operate (ATO) is the final milestone in the initial authorization process. This formal approval allows the CSP to offer its services to federal agencies.
  • Deliverables: Authority to Operate (ATO) letter or documentation.
  • Timeline: The ATO approval process can take 2-3 months, depending on the review by the FedRAMP PMO or authorizing agency.

Continuous Monitoring and Ongoing Assessments:

  • Milestone Description: After receiving the ATO, the CSP enters the continuous monitoring phase. This involves ongoing security assessments, regular reporting, and continuous improvement of security controls.
  • Deliverables: Monthly vulnerability scan reports, annual security assessment reports, incident reports, and updated POA&Ms.
  • Timeline: Continuous monitoring is an ongoing process with deliverables submitted on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.

Tracking Deliverables

Project Management Tools:

  • Use of PM Software: Utilize project management software, such as Microsoft Project, Jira, or Trello, to track milestones and deliverables. These tools allow you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress in real-time.
  • Milestone Tracking: Create a detailed project timeline within the software, including all key milestones and associated deliverables. Use Gantt charts or Kanban boards to visualize progress and dependencies.

Regular Status Updates:

  • Weekly Meetings: Hold regular status meetings with your project team to review progress on milestones and deliverables. This helps ensure that any issues or delays are identified early and addressed promptly.
  • Reporting: Develop a standard reporting format for documenting progress on deliverables. This report should include a summary of completed tasks, upcoming deadlines, and any risks or challenges.

Documentation and Version Control:

  • Centralized Documentation: Store all project-related documentation in a centralized, secure location accessible to all team members. Use version control systems to manage changes to key documents like the SSP and POA&M.
  • Audit Trails: Maintain an audit trail of all changes to project documents and deliverables. This ensures transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.

Stakeholder Communication:

  • Regular Updates: Keep key stakeholders informed of progress on milestones and deliverables through regular updates and reports. Clear communication helps ensure alignment and support throughout the FedRAMP process.
  • Risk Management: Communicate any risks or potential delays in achieving milestones to stakeholders as soon as they are identified. Proactively managing risks helps prevent project disruptions.

For more information on project management and tracking deliverables for FedRAMP compliance, visit the FedRAMP official website.